At Mercer Island High School, the College and Career Readiness (CCR) program exposes students to training for and insight into college and career pathways, industry certifications, practical life skills, innovative technology and design, and team work. Research show that students in courses of this type not only perform better, but are more engaged and have higher graduation rates. CCR programs help students see the relevance of their studies for their future, and motivates them to attend classes and study hard.
Career and College Readiness
Course Planning and Selection
Course planning and course selection are a typical part of the annual high school calendar. It is a necessary rite of passage to ensure that all students are registered for the correct number of classes, across an array of requirements, and that schools can create a master schedule that accommodates these choices, requirements, and fits. The process for students often spans a couple weeks’ time to identify the courses the student needs and wants to take the following year, get the appropriate approval for high-level or specialized classes, and submit to the school counselor to ensure that basic graduation and program requirements are being met.
Despite a seemingly mundane and standard step each year during high school, the decisions a student makes about which courses to take and when to take them can have significant impacts on opportunities that are available later in high school and for their postsecondary trajectories. In other words, course options, content, and experiences are the very heart of student learning and growth during high school.
Many schools and districts utilize graduation requirements as the prevailing guide for protocols, communications, and student decision-making. Though it is obviously important that schools ensure that students are on track to graduate, course planning and selection should be seen as so much more than making decisions so students meet these minimum requirements. Rather, course planning and the selection process should be viewed as a foundational component for student goal-setting, college and career exploration, postsecondary planning, and a mechanism to track and reflect on progress.
Course Selection and Student Goal Setting
Course selection is one of the most critical series of decision points for high school students and has profound impacts on postsecondary options. It is crucial that students understand the importance of these decisions and explicitly connect the course selection process with their short-term and long-term goals–both in setting them and in mapping out a plan to make their goals a reality.
As students select courses, it is important that they understand the need to show breadth, depth, and reach on their transcript of courses–specifically as they relate to their postsecondary goals. Breadth is seen with core classes and electives of interest. Depth is demonstrated through a developmental pathway of courses in a career field or other form of alignment. And reach is shown by taking accelerated coursework such as honors, advanced, or dual enrollment or, for those hoping to go directly to the workforce, by doing work-based learning or earning industry certifications. Producing a transcript with these characteristics is possible only when the student and the school work together to make intentional course choices that combine personal interests and prior course experiences to select the next set of courses.
By truly understanding the connection between current coursework and future aspirations, students are empowered to make informed, strategic choices that align with their long-term goals and fosters a sense of agency, allowing them to take ownership over their educational trajectories.